class: title-slide count: false .title[ # 13 - Rocker ] .subtitle[ ## Open Science Tools ] .author[ ### Claudio Zandonella & Davide Massidda ] .institute[ ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # Step XII: Rocker --- # Rocker .pull-left-30[ .move-down-80[ <img src="images/13-rocker/rocker-logo.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ {{content}} ] ] -- - `r-ver` with Base-R - `rstudio` adds RStudio - `tidyverse` adds tidyverse and devtools packages - `verse` adds tex and publishing-related packages --- # Rocker .pull-left-30[ .move-down-80[ <img src="images/13-rocker/rocker-logo.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ ```bash $ docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=my-pw rocker/rstudio:4.1.0 ``` ] ] .move-down-50[ .li-small[ {{content}} ] ] ] -- - `--rm` (optional) - `-p 8787:8787` map the port to access RStudio Server - `-e PASSWORD=my-pw` password for login - default username is **`rstudio`** - disable authentication `-e DISABLE_AUTH=true` - `4.1.0` version tag --- # Rocker .pull-left-30[ .move-down-80[ <img src="images/13-rocker/rocker-logo.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ ```bash $ docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=my-pw rocker/rstudio:4.1.0 ``` ] ] .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ```bash Unable to find image 'rocker/rstudio:4.1.0' locally 4.1.0: Pulling from rocker/rstudio 7b1a6ab2e44d: Pull complete 34cb923ed704: Pull complete f2f213d01c8c: Downloading [=======================> ] 200.7MB/295.8MB 7c05c07f0160: Download complete f72cf49d9462: Download complete 6abf17a5ebed: Downloading [===========================> ] 171.7MB/218.4MB 9a11ac2d5af1: Download complete ``` ] ] .move-down-30[ .center[ {{content}} ] ] ] -- [http://localhost:8787/](http://localhost:8787/) --- # Rocker .pull-left-30[ .move-down-80[ <img src="images/13-rocker/rocker-logo.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ <img src="images/13-rocker/RStudio-Server-login.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Rocker .pull-left-30[ .move-down-80[ <img src="images/13-rocker/rocker-logo.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ <img src="images/13-rocker/RStudio-Server-interface.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Rocker Data Storage -- .pull-left-40[ #### Upload/Export <img src="images/13-rocker/RStudio-Server-upload.png" width="65%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="images/13-rocker/RStudio-Server-export.png" width="65%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-60[ .code-size-14[ {{content}} ] ] -- #### Bind Mounts ```bash -v /Users/<user-name>/my-project/:/home/rstudio/my-project/ ``` --- # Rocker Data Storage .pull-left-40[ #### Upload/Export <img src="images/13-rocker/RStudio-Server-upload.png" width="65%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="images/13-rocker/RStudio-Server-export.png" width="65%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-60[ .code-size-14[ #### Bind Mounts ```bash -v /Users/<user-name>/my-project/:/home/rstudio/my-project/ ``` .li-small[ - Mounting bind mounts at the runtime automatically assign ownerships to the default users (`rstudio`) ] {{content}} ] ] -- #### Volumes ```bash -v My-volume:/home/rstudio/my-volume/ ``` --- # Rocker Data Storage .pull-left-40[ #### Upload/Export <img src="images/13-rocker/RStudio-Server-upload.png" width="65%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="images/13-rocker/RStudio-Server-export.png" width="65%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-60[ .code-size-14[ #### Bind Mounts ```bash -v /Users/<user-name>/my-project/:/home/rstudio/my-project/ ``` .li-small[ - Mounting bind mounts at the runtime automatically assign ownerships to the default users (`rstudio`) ] #### Volumes ```bash -v My-volume:/home/rstudio/my-volume/ ``` .code-small[ ```bash #---- Dockerfile ----# # Base image FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.0 # Create folder and change owner (user:group) RUN mkdir /home/rstudio/My-project \ && chown -R rstudio:rstudio /home/rstudio/my-project # Define volume VOLUME /home/rstudio/my-project ``` ] ] ] --- ## Custom `Dockerfile` <br> -- .pull-left-50[ #### Install Dependencies .code-size-12[ ```bash #---- Dockerfile ----# # Base image FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.0 # Install external dependencies RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y curl # Install R packages RUN R -e "install.packages('trackdown')" ``` ] ] .pull-right-50[ .code-size-12[ {{content}} ] ] -- #### Run an R script ```bash #---- Dockerfile ----# ... # Install R packages COPY my-install.R /my-install.R RUN Rscript my-install.R ``` --- # Rocker Worklow -- - **After the Development** --- # Rocker Worklow - **After the Development** - Complete the analysis - Create container - Re-run the analysis -- - **During the Development** --- # Rocker Worklow - **After the Development** - Complete the analysis - Create container - Re-run the analysis - **During the Development** - Create container - Develop from within the container --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ ] --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION * |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ {{content}} ] ] -- #### Define Container ```bash #---- Dockerfile ---- FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.2 # Copy project files COPY . /home/rstudio/my-project # Change ownership RUN chown -R rstudio:rstudio /home/rstudio/ ``` --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION * |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### Define Container .code-size-12[ ```bash #---- Dockerfile ---- FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.2 # Copy project files COPY . /home/rstudio/my-project # Change ownership RUN chown -R rstudio:rstudio /home/rstudio/ ``` ] .move-down-80[ .li-small[ - `.dockerignore` exclude results and not required files ] ] ] --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### Instructions .code-size-14[ .li-size-14[ > To reproduce the analysis: > > - Download the project repository at <link-repository> or by running, > > ``` bash > git clone <link-repository> > ``` > - Build the image by running, > > ```bash > docker build -t my-project:1.0.0 . > ``` > - Run the container by running, > > ``` bash > docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD="<your-PW>" my-project:1.0.0 > ``` > - In your browser, go to http://localhost:8787 and login to RStudio Server (username: rstudio; PW: <your-PW>). ] ] ] --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### Instructions (continue) .code-size-14[ .li-size-14[ > - Open the R project by double-clicking the file `my-project/my-project.Rproj` file you can find in the project. A new R-studio session will open. > - Run `renv::restore()` to install the project’s dependencies (have a coffee, it takes some time). > - Run `targets::tar_make()` to run the analysis using `targets`. (Note that this will properly work because we defined targets script and store locations in the `_targets.yaml` file). > - To compile the report, open `documents/report.Rmd` and compile the file > clicking the `Knitr` button (or run `rmarkdown::render(input = 'documents/report.Rmd')`). ] ] ] --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION * |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### Define Container .code-size-12[ ```bash #---- Dockerfile ---- FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.2 # Copy project files COPY . /home/rstudio/my-project # Change ownership RUN chown -R rstudio:rstudio /home/rstudio/ ``` ] ] --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION * |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### Define Container: Add R-packages .code-size-12[ ```bash #---- Dockerfile ---- FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.2 # Copy project files COPY . /home/rstudio/my-project *# Install renv *ENV RENV_VERSION 0.15.1 *ENV RENV_PATHS_CACHE /home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv *RUN R -e "install.packages('remotes', repos = c(CRAN = ''))" *RUN R -e "remotes::install_github('rstudio/renv@${RENV_VERSION}')" *# Install packages *WORKDIR /home/rstudio/my-project *RUN R -e "renv::restore()" # Change ownership RUN chown -R rstudio:rstudio /home/rstudio/ ``` ] ] --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION * |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### Define Container: Run the Analysis and Report .code-size-12[ ```bash #---- Dockerfile ---- FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.2 # Copy project files COPY . /home/rstudio/my-project # Install renv ENV RENV_VERSION 0.15.1 ENV RENV_PATHS_CACHE /home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv RUN R -e "install.packages('remotes', repos = c(CRAN = ''))" RUN R -e "remotes::install_github('rstudio/renv@${RENV_VERSION}')" # Install packages WORKDIR /home/rstudio/my-project RUN R -e "renv::restore()" *# Run targets *RUN R -e "targets::tar_make()" *# Render report *RUN R -e "rmarkdown::render(input = 'documents/report.Rmd')" # Change ownership RUN chown -R rstudio:rstudio /home/rstudio/ ``` ] ] --- # After the Development .pull-left-30[ .code-size-12[ ``` My-project/ |-- .gitignore |-- .Rprofile * |-- _targets.yaml |-- DESCRIPTION * |-- Dockerfile |-- my-project.Rproj |-- README |-- renv.lock |-- .git/ |-- analysis/ | |-- _taregts/ | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- targets-workflow.R |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv |-- documents/ * | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- report.Rmd |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- targets-utils.R |-- renv/ ``` ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### Define Container: Run the Analysis and Report .code-size-12[ ```bash #---- Dockerfile ---- FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.2 # Copy project files COPY . /home/rstudio/my-project # Install renv ENV RENV_VERSION 0.15.1 ENV RENV_PATHS_CACHE /home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv RUN R -e "install.packages('remotes', repos = c(CRAN = ''))" RUN R -e "remotes::install_github('rstudio/renv@${RENV_VERSION}')" # Install packages WORKDIR /home/rstudio/my-project RUN R -e "renv::restore()" *# Run targets *RUN R -e "targets::tar_make()" *# Render report *RUN R -e "rmarkdown::render(input = 'documents/report.Rmd')" # Change ownership RUN chown -R rstudio:rstudio /home/rstudio/ ``` ] ] --- # Rocker as IDE -- .pull-left-60[ .move-down-80[ #### Run Container ] .code-size-12[ ```bash docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true \ -v ~/Desktop/My-project:/home/rstudio/my-project \ rocker/verse:4.1.2 ``` ] ] .pull-right-40[ ] --- # Rocker as IDE .pull-left-60[ .move-down-80[ #### Run Container: renv Cache ] .code-size-12[ ```bash docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true \ -v ~/Desktop/My-project:/home/rstudio/my-project \ rocker/verse:4.1.2 ``` ] ] .pull-right-40[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ {{content}} ] ] ] -- #### Host System ``` ~/Docker/ |-- renv-cache/ ``` --- # Rocker as IDE .pull-left-60[ .move-down-80[ #### Run Container: renv Cache ] .code-size-12[ ```bash docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true \ -v ~/Desktop/my-project:/home/rstudio/my-project \ * -v ~/Docker/renv-cache:/home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ * -e RENV_PATHS_CACHE=home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ rocker/verse:4.1.2 ``` ] ] .pull-right-40[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ #### Host System ``` ~/Docker/ |-- renv-cache/ ``` ] ] ] --- # Rocker as IDE .pull-left-60[ .move-down-80[ #### Run Container: GitHub Authentication ] .code-size-12[ ```bash docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true \ -v ~/Desktop/my-project:/home/rstudio/my-project \ -v ~/Docker/renv-cache:/home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ -e RENV_PATHS_CACHE=home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ rocker/verse:4.1.2 ``` ] ] .pull-right-40[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ #### Host System ``` ~/Docker/ |-- renv-cache/ ``` ] ] ] --- # Rocker as IDE .pull-left-60[ .move-down-80[ #### Run Container: GitHub Authentication ] .code-size-12[ ```bash docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true \ -v ~/Desktop/my-project:/home/rstudio/my-project \ -v ~/Docker/renv-cache:/home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ -e RENV_PATHS_CACHE=home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ rocker/verse:4.1.2 ``` ] ] .pull-right-40[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ #### Host System ``` ~/Docker/ |-- renv-cache/ |-- docker-gitconfig.txt |-- ssh-key ``` ] ] ] --- # Rocker as IDE .pull-left-60[ .move-down-80[ #### Run Container: GitHub Authentication ] .code-size-12[ ```bash docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true \ -v ~/Desktop/my-project:/home/rstudio/my-project \ -v ~/Docker/renv-cache:/home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ -e RENV_PATHS_CACHE=home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ rocker/verse:4.1.2 ``` ] ] .pull-right-40[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ #### Host System ``` ~/Docker/ |-- renv-cache/ * |-- docker-gitconfig.txt |-- ssh-key ``` ``` #---- gitconfig ----# [user] name = <username> email = <user-email> [merge] conflictstyle = diff3 ``` ] ] ] --- # Rocker as IDE .pull-left-60[ .move-down-80[ #### Run Container: GitHub Authentication ] .code-size-12[ ```bash docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true \ -v ~/Desktop/my-project:/home/rstudio/my-project \ -v ~/Docker/renv-cache:/home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ -e RENV_PATHS_CACHE=home/rstudio/.cache/R/renv \ * -v ~/Docker/ssh-key:/home/rstudio/.ssh\ * -v ~/Docker/docker-gitconfig.txt:/etc/gitconfig\ rocker/verse:4.1.2 ``` ] ] .pull-right-40[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ #### Host System ``` ~/Docker/ |-- renv-cache/ |-- docker-gitconfig.txt |-- ssh-key ``` ``` #---- gitconfig ----# [user] name = <username> email = <user-email> [merge] conflictstyle = diff3 ``` ] ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Happily (and Reproducible) Ever After ## The End 🎉🎉