class: title-slide count: false .title[ # 10 - Dynamic Documents ] .subtitle[ ## Open Science Tools ] .author[ ### Claudio Zandonella & Davide Massidda ] .institute[ ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # Step IX: Literate Programming --- # Dynamic Documents -- .move-down-80[ .move-left-100[ `\(Narrative\ Text\ +\ Analysis\ Code\ =\)` ] ] --- # Dynamic Documents .move-down-80[ .move-left-100[ `\(Narrative\ Text\ +\ Analysis\ Code\ =\ Literate\ Programming\)` ] ] -- .pull-left-30[ ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-50[ - Reproducibility {{content}} ] ] -- - Automatically Updates {{content}} -- - High-Quality Tables and Figures {{content}} -- - 🌵 Avoid hard-coded values --- # Dynamic Documents -- .move-down-140[ .pull-left-50[ #### Code Organization - Analysis code **within** documents - Analysis code **outside** documents ] .pull-right-50[ {{content}} ] ] -- #### Output Formats - **PDFs** - **Web-Sites** --- # Dynamic Documents -- .pull-left-50[ ## <img style="height:2em" src="images/10-documents/r-logo.png" class="inline-img"> <img src="images/10-documents/rmarkdown-family.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-50[ {{content}} ] -- ## <img style="height:2em" src="images/10-documents/Python-logo.png" class="inline-img"> <img src="images/10-documents/Jupyter_logo.webp" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Dynamic Documents .move-down-110[ .center[*There is a new sheriff in town*] ] -- .move-down-50[ <img src="images/10-documents/quarto-logo2.jpeg" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Quarto -- .move-up-30[ <img src="images/10-documents/report-qmd.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Enhancing Collaboration -- .move-down-140[ .center[ 🌵 Disclaimer: *Shameless moment of Self-Promotion* ] ] --- # Enhancing Collaboration .pull-left-30[ .move-down-80[ <img src="images/10-documents/trackdown-logo.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] .pull-right-70[ {{content}} ] -- <img src="images/10-documents/trackdown-rich-text.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Enhancing Collaboration .pull-left-30[ .move-down-80[ <img src="images/10-documents/trackdown-logo.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ #### Functions - `upload_file()` - `update_file()` - `download_file()` ] {{content}} ] -- []( --- class: inverse, center, middle # We can now uninstall Microsoft Words 😉 ## Moving to the next step...