class: title-slide count: false .title[ # 09 - Workflow Analysis ] .subtitle[ ## Open Science Tools ] .author[ ### Claudio Zandonella & Davide Massidda ] .institute[ ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # Step VIII: Workflows --- # Run the Analysis -- .pull-left-30[ .move-down-140[ - Single script - Multiple scripts - Main script ] ] .pull-right-70[ ] --- # Run the Analysis .pull-left-30[ .move-down-140[ - Single script - .alpha[Multiple scripts] - .alpha[Main script] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- analysis/ | |-- my-analysis | |-- src/ | |-- data-munging | |-- models | |-- plots-tables | |-- utils ``` ] ] --- # Run the Analysis .pull-left-30[ .move-down-140[ - .alpha[Single script] - Multiple scripts - .alpha[Main script] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- analysis/ | |-- 01-data-preparation | |-- 02-experiment-A | |-- 03-experiment-B | |-- 04-comparison-experiments | |-- 05-sensitivity-analysis | |-- src/ | |-- data-munging | |-- models | |-- plots-tables | |-- utils ``` ] ] --- # Run the Analysis .pull-left-30[ .move-down-140[ - .alpha[Single script] - .alpha[Multiple scripts] - Main script ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- analysis/ | |-- 01-data-preparation | |-- 02-experiment-A | |-- 03-experiment-B | |-- 04-comparison-experiments | |-- 05-sensitivity-analysis | |-- main | |-- src/ | |-- data-munging | |-- models | |-- plots-tables | |-- utils ``` ] ] --- # Run the Analysis .pull-left-30[ .move-down-140[ - .alpha[Single script] - .alpha[Multiple scripts] - Main script ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- analysis/ | |-- 01-data-preparation | |-- 02-experiment-A | |-- 03-experiment-B | |-- 04-comparison-experiments | |-- 05-sensitivity-analysis * | |-- main | |-- src/ | |-- data-munging | |-- models | |-- plots-tables | |-- utils ``` ] ] --- # General Reccomendations -- .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - Documentation - README - Random numbers - Session Settings ] ] .pull-right-70[ ] --- # General Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - Documentation - .alpha[README] - .alpha[Random numbers] - .alpha[Session Settings] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-up-50[ <img src="images/09-workflow/r-script.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] --- # General Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Documentation] - README - .alpha[Random numbers] - .alpha[Session Settings] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-left-130[ .move-down-110[ .li-smalll[ Instructions about: - Requirements - Installation - How to run ] ] ] ] --- # General Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Documentation] - .alpha[README] - Random numbers - .alpha[Session Settings] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-110[ <img src="images/09-workflow/rng.jpeg" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] --- # General Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Documentation] - .alpha[README] - .alpha[Random numbers] - Session Settings ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-170[ - Local settings - Explicit default options ] ] --- # Workflow Manager -- .pull-left-50[ .move-down-120[ - Automatically Run the Analysis - Discover Dependencies - Update the Analysis - Caching System ] ] .pull-right-50[ .move-down-120[ {{content}} ] ] -- <img src="images/09-workflow/gnu-make.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse, middle, center # Workflow in R --- # R Reccomendations -- .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - Script Sections - Loading Functions - Loading R-packages - Reproducibility ] ] .pull-right-50[ ] --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - Script Sections - .alpha[Loading Functions] - .alpha[Loading R-packages] - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-left-100[ .move-down-120[ .code-size-12[ ```r # Section 1 #### # Section 2 ---- #---- Section 3 ---- #### Not Valid Section --## ``` ] ] ] ] --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - Script Sections - .alpha[Loading Functions] - .alpha[Loading R-packages] - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-up-50[ <img src="images/09-workflow/script-sections.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - Script Sections - .alpha[Loading Functions] - .alpha[Loading R-packages] - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-up-50[ <img src="images/09-workflow/script-collapsed.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - Script Sections - .alpha[Loading Functions] - .alpha[Loading R-packages] - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ <img src="images/09-workflow/nav-top.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="images/09-workflow/nav-bottom.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Script Sections] - Loading Functions - .alpha[Loading R-packages] - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-50[ .li-small[ - `source()` ] ] .code-size-12[ {{content}} ] ] -- ```r # List all scripts in R/ script_list <- list.files("R", full.names = TRUE) # Source scripts invisible(sapply(script_list, source)) ``` --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Script Sections] - Loading Functions - .alpha[Loading R-packages] - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-50[ .li-small[ - `source()` ] ] .code-size-12[ ```r # List all scripts in R/ script_list <- list.files("R", full.names = TRUE) # Source scripts invisible(sapply(script_list, source)) ``` ] .move-down-50[ .li-small[ - `devtools::load_all()` (shortcut `Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L`) ] ] .code-size-12[ ```r # Load functions devtools::load_all(path = "<path-to-the-project-root>") ``` ] ] --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Script Sections] - .alpha[Loading Functions] - Loading R-packages - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### `library()` .li-small[ {{content}} ] ] -- - Analysis Scripts {{content}} -- - `.Rprofile` - `DESCRIPTION` (in the `Depends` field) --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Script Sections] - .alpha[Loading Functions] - Loading R-packages - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### `library()` .li-small[ - Analysis Scripts - `.Rprofile` - `DESCRIPTION` (in the `Depends` field) ] .move-down-50[ #### Conflicts ] .li-small[ {{content}} ] ] -- - `<package>::<function()>` {{content}} -- - `conflicted` --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Script Sections] - .alpha[Loading Functions] - Loading R-packages - .alpha[Reproducibility] ] ] .pull-right-70[ #### `library()` .li-small[ - Analysis Scripts - `.Rprofile` - `DESCRIPTION` (in the `Depends` field) ] .move-down-50[ #### Conflicts ] .li-small[ - `<package>::<function()>` - `conflicted` .font-size-18[ Common conflicts ] .li-small[ - `dplyr::select()` vs `MASS::select()` - `dplyr::filter()` vs `stats::filter()` ] ] ] --- # R Reccomendations .pull-left-30[ .move-down-120[ - .alpha[Script Sections] - .alpha[Loading Functions] - .alpha[Loading R-packages] - Reproducibility ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-140[ {{content}} ] ] -- - Random Number Generator `set.seed()` {{content}} -- - Global Options (e.g, `stringsAsFactors` or `contrasts`) {{content}} -- - Project Requirements --- ## `.Rprofile` -- .pull-left-50[ ```r #---- .Rprofile ----# # Load custom functions devtools::load_all() # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Settings ggplot theme_set(theme_bw()) ``` .center[ .font-18[ {{content}} ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ ] -- Rely only on code declared explicitly<br>in the analysis script --- ## `.Rprofile` .pull-left-50[ ```r #---- .Rprofile ----# # Load custom functions devtools::load_all() # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Settings ggplot theme_set(theme_bw()) ``` .center[ .font-18[ Rely only on code declared explicitly<br>in the analysis script ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ ```r #---- .Rprofile ----# # Commands for interactive and non-interactive sessions ... # Commands only for interactive sessions if(interactive()){ # Load custom functions devtools::load_all() # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Settings ggplot theme_set(theme_bw()) } ``` ] --- ## `.Rprofile` .pull-left-50[ ```r #---- .Rprofile ----# # Load custom functions devtools::load_all() # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Settings ggplot theme_set(theme_bw()) ``` .center[ .font-18[ Rely only on code declared explicitly<br>in the analysis script ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ ```r #---- .Rprofile ----# # Commands for interactive and non-interactive sessions ... # Commands only for interactive sessions *if(interactive()){ # Load custom functions devtools::load_all() # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Settings ggplot theme_set(theme_bw()) } ``` ] --- # Workflow Manager -- .pull-left-30[ <br> <img src="images/09-workflow/targets-hex.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-up-30[ {{content}} ] ] -- <br> ```r #---- Workflow ---- list( # Get data tar_target(raw_data_file, "data/raw-data.csv", format = "file"), tar_target(my_data, get_my_data(raw_data_file)), # Descriptive statistics tar_target(plot_obs, get_plot_obs(my_data)), # Inferential statistics tar_target(lm_fit, get_lm_fit(my_data)) ) ``` --- # Workflow Manager .pull-left-30[ <br> <img src="images/09-workflow/targets-hex.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] .pull-right-70[ <img src="images/09-workflow/pipeline-new-function.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ {{content}} ] ] -- `targets::tar_make()` --- # Workflow Manager .pull-left-30[ <br> <img src="images/09-workflow/targets-hex.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] .pull-right-70[ <img src="images/09-workflow/pipeline-end.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Workflow Manager .pull-left-30[ <br> <img src="images/09-workflow/targets-hex.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .font-14[ ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-up-100[ <img src="images/09-workflow/target-net.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure -- .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #==========================# #==== _targets.R ====# #==========================# library("targets") #---- Settings ---- # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Source custom functions source("R/my-functions.R") # Options options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE) #---- Workflow ---- list( # list of targets ) ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #==========================# #==== _targets.R ====# #==========================# *library("targets") #---- Settings ---- # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Source custom functions source("R/my-functions.R") # Options options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE) #---- Workflow ---- list( # list of targets ) ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #==========================# #==== _targets.R ====# #==========================# library("targets") #---- Settings ---- *# Load packages *library("tidyverse") # Or using *library("lme4") # tar_option_set(packages = c("<packages>")) # Source custom functions source("R/my-functions.R") # Options options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE) #---- Workflow ---- list( # list of targets ) ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #==========================# #==== _targets.R ====# #==========================# library("targets") #---- Settings ---- # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") *# Source custom functions *source("R/my-functions.R") # Options options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE) #---- Workflow ---- list( # list of targets ) ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #==========================# #==== _targets.R ====# #==========================# library("targets") #---- Settings ---- # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Source custom functions source("R/my-functions.R") *# Options *options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE) #---- Workflow ---- list( # list of targets ) ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #==========================# #==== _targets.R ====# #==========================# library("targets") #---- Settings ---- # Load packages library("tidyverse") library("lme4") # Source custom functions source("R/my-functions.R") # Options options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE) #---- Workflow ---- *list( * # list of targets *) ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #==========================# #==== _targets.R ====# #==========================# #---- Workflow ---- list( # Get data tar_target(raw_data_file, "data/raw-data.csv", format = "file"), tar_target(my_data, get_my_data(raw_data_file)), # Descriptive statistics tar_target(plot_obs, get_plot_obs(my_data)), # Inferential statistics tar_target(lm_fit, get_lm_fit(my_data)) ) ``` {{content}} ] ] -- #### Defining Targets `tar_target(<target_name>, <expression>) ` --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.R |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #==========================# #==== _targets.R ====# #==========================# #---- Workflow ---- list( # Get data * tar_target(raw_data_file, "data/raw-data.csv", format = "file"), tar_target(my_data, get_my_data(raw_data_file)), # Descriptive statistics tar_target(plot_obs, get_plot_obs(my_data)), # Inferential statistics tar_target(lm_fit, get_lm_fit(my_data)) ) ``` #### Defining Targets `tar_target(<target_name>, <expression>) ` ] ] --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- _targets.R * |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-50[ .li-small[ {{content}} ] ] ] -- #### Content - `meta/` metadata regarding the targets - `objects/` targets results - `users/` store custom files --- ## `targets` Project Structure .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- _targets.R * |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-50[ .li-small[ #### Content - `meta/` metadata regarding the targets - `objects/` targets results - `users/` store custom files ] ] .move-down-30[ #### Details ] .li-small[ - Automatically created - `.gitignore` automatically added - Only `_targets/meta/meta` is important ] ] --- ## `targets` Workflow -- .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline ] ] .pull-right-70[ ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ ```r targets::tar_manifest(fields = "command") ## # A tibble: 4 × 2 ## name command ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 raw_data_file "\"data/raw-data.csv\"" ## 2 my_data "get_my_data(raw_data_file)" ## 3 plot_obs "get_plot_obs(data = my_data)" ## 4 lm_fit "get_lm_fit(data = my_data)" ``` ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` - `tar_visnetwork()` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r targets::tar_visnetwork() ``` ] <img src="images/09-workflow/pipeline-start.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` - `tar_visnetwork()` ] #### Run Analyis .li-small[ - `tar_make()` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ ```r targets::tar_make() ## • start target raw_data_file ## • built target raw_data_file ## • start target my_data ## • built target my_data ## • start target plot_obs ## • built target plot_obs ## • start target lm_fit ## • built target lm_fit ## • end pipeline ``` ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` - `tar_visnetwork()` ] #### Run Analyis .li-small[ - `tar_make()` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r targets::tar_visnetwork() ``` ] <img src="images/09-workflow/pipeline-end.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` - `tar_visnetwork()` ] #### Run Analyis .li-small[ - `tar_make()` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r targets::tar_visnetwork() ``` ] <img src="images/09-workflow/pipeline-new-function.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` - `tar_visnetwork()` ] #### Run Analyis .li-small[ - `tar_make()` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ ```r targets::tar_make() ## ✔ skip target raw_data_file ## ✔ skip target my_data ## ✔ skip target plot_obs ## • start target lm_fit ## • built target lm_fit ## • end pipeline ``` ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` - `tar_visnetwork()` ] #### Run Analyis .li-small[ - `tar_make()` ] #### Load Results ] ] .pull-right-70[ ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` - `tar_visnetwork()` ] #### Run Analyis .li-small[ - `tar_make()` ] #### Load Results .li-small[ - `tar_read()` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r targets::tar_read(plot_obs) ``` <img src="images/09-workflow/plot-obs-1.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] --- ## `targets` Workflow .pull-left-30[ .move-down-50[ #### Check Pipline .li-small[ - `tar_manifest()` - `tar_visnetwork()` ] #### Run Analyis .li-small[ - `tar_make()` ] #### Load Results .li-small[ - `tar_read()` - `tar_load()` ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r targets::tar_load(lm_fit) summary(lm_fit) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = y ~ x, data = data) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -1.83060 -0.70935 0.08828 0.64521 1.82840 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 1.2076 0.2225 5.428 3.47e-06 *** ## xB -1.4478 0.3146 -4.601 4.58e-05 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 0.995 on 38 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.3578, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3409 ## F-statistic: 21.17 on 1 and 38 DF, p-value: 4.575e-05 ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features -- .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - R Markdown - Reproducibility - Branching - Load All Targets ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .pull-left-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | | | | |-- _targets.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .pull-left-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | | | | * |-- _targets.R | * |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .pull-left-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | | | | |-- _targets.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- analysis/ | |-- targets-workflow.R | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .pull-left-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | | | | * |-- _targets.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- _targets.yaml | * |-- analysis/ * | |-- targets-workflow.R | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .pull-left-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | | | | |-- _targets.R | * |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- _targets.yaml | * |-- analysis/ | |-- targets-workflow.R | |-- targets-analysis.R * | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .pull-left-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | | | | |-- _targets.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | |-- _targets.yaml | |-- analysis/ | |-- targets-workflow.R * | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .pull-left-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | | | | |-- _targets.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] .pull-right-50[ .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ ``` - my-project/ | * |-- _targets.yaml | |-- analysis/ | |-- targets-workflow.R * | |-- targets-analysis.R | |-- _targets/ | |-- data/ | |-- raw-data.csv | |-- R/ | |-- my-functions.R | |-- ... ``` ] ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ .code-size-12[ ```r # Targets settings targets::tar_config_set(script = "analysis/targets-workflow.R", store = "analysis/_targets/") ``` ] ] .move-down-50[ .code-size-12[ {{content}} ] ] ] -- ```yaml #---- _targets.yaml ----# main: script: analysis/targets-workflow.R store: analysis/_targets/ ``` --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-30[ .code-size-12[ ```r #---- targets-analysis.R ----# # Targets settings targets::tar_config_set(script = "analysis/targets-workflow.R", store = "analysis/_targets/") #---- Analysis ---- # Check workflow targets::tar_manifest(fields = "command") targets::tar_visnetwork() # Run analysis targets::tar_make() # End targets::tar_visnetwork() #---- Results ---- # Load the results ... ``` ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - My Proj Structure - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-30[ .code-size-12[ ```r #---- targets-analysis.R ----# # Targets settings script = "analysis/targets-workflow.R" store = "analysis/_targets/" #---- Analysis ---- # Check workflow targets::tar_manifest(fields = "command", script = script) targets::tar_visnetwork(script = script, store = store) # Run analysis targets::tar_make(script = script, store = store) # End targets::tar_visnetwork(script = script, store = store) #---- Results ---- # Load the results ... ``` ] ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - R Markdown - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - R Markdown - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ .li-small[ - **R Markdown as Primary Script**<br>Pipeline defined and managed within R Markdown<br> <br> {{content}} ] ] ] -- - **R Markdown as Target**<br>R Markdown considered as target in the pipeline<br> --- # R Markdown as Target -- .pull-left-50[ `documents/report.Rmd` <img src="images/09-workflow/report-analysis.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-50[ .code-size-12[ {{content}} ] ] -- ```r #---- Targets-workflow.R ----# list( ... tarchetypes::tar_render( report, "documents/report.Rmd" ), ) ``` {{content}} -- <img src="images/09-workflow/pipeline-report.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # R Markdown as Target .pull-left-50[ `documents/report.Rmd` <img src="images/09-workflow/report-analysis.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-50[ .code-size-12[ ```r #---- Targets-workflow.R ----# list( ... * tarchetypes::tar_render( report, "documents/report.Rmd" ), ) ``` <img src="images/09-workflow/pipeline-report.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] --- # R Markdown as Target .pull-left-50[ `documents/report.Rmd` <img src="images/09-workflow/report-analysis.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-50[ .move-down-50[ Compile Report .li-small[ {{content}} ] ] ] -- - `targets::tar_make()` {{content}} -- - `Knit` --- # R Markdown as Target .pull-left-50[ `documents/report.Rmd` <img src="images/09-workflow/report-analysis.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-50[ .move-down-50[ Compile Report .li-small[ - `targets::tar_make()` - `Knit` ] .font-18[ Specify `_targets/` position with `tar_config_set()` ] .code-size-12[ {{content}} ] ] ] -- ``` #---- documents/_targets.yaml ----# main: store: ../analysis/_targets/ ``` --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - .alpha[R Markdown] - Reproducibility - .alpha[Branching] - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-110[ {{content}} ] ] -- - Random Number Generator {{content}} -- - Global Settings {{content}} -- - Project Requirements --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - Branching - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-80[ {{content}} ] ] -- <img src="images/09-workflow/target-branching.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - Branching - .alpha[Load All Targets] ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - **Dynamic Branching** - New targets are defined dynamically<br> <br> {{content}} ] ] ] -- - **Static Branching** - New targets are defined a priori<br> --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - Load All Targets ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ {{content}} ] ] -- ```r #---- R/Targets-utils.R ----# #---- load_glob_env ---- # Load targets in the global environment load_glob_env <- function(..., store = targets::tar_config_get("store")){ targets::tar_load(..., envir = globalenv(), store = store) } #---- tar_load_all ---- # Load listed targets tar_load_all <- function(store = targets::tar_config_get("store")){ targets <- c("my_data", "lm_fit", "plot_obs", "<other-targets>", "...") # load sapply(targets, load_glob_env, store = store) return(cat("Tartgets loaded!\n")) } ``` --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - Load All Targets ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #---- R/Targets-utils.R ----# *#---- load_glob_env ---- # Load targets in the global environment load_glob_env <- function(..., store = targets::tar_config_get("store")){ targets::tar_load(..., envir = globalenv(), store = store) } #---- tar_load_all ---- # Load listed targets tar_load_all <- function(store = targets::tar_config_get("store")){ targets <- c("my_data", "lm_fit", "plot_obs", "<other-targets>", "...") # load sapply(targets, load_glob_env, store = store) return(cat("Tartgets loaded!\n")) } ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - Load All Targets ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #---- R/Targets-utils.R ----# #---- load_glob_env ---- # Load targets in the global environment load_glob_env <- function(..., store = targets::tar_config_get("store")){ targets::tar_load(..., envir = globalenv(), store = store) } *#---- tar_load_all ---- # Load listed targets tar_load_all <- function(store = targets::tar_config_get("store")){ targets <- c("my_data", "lm_fit", "plot_obs", "<other-targets>", "...") # load sapply(targets, load_glob_env, store = store) return(cat("Tartgets loaded!\n")) } ``` ] ] --- ## `targets` Advanced Features .pull-left-30[ .move-down-110[ .li-small[ - .alpha[My Proj Structure] - .alpha[R Markdown] - .alpha[Reproducibility] - .alpha[Branching] - Load All Targets ] ] ] .pull-right-70[ .code-size-12[ ```r #---- .Rprofile ----# ... # Commands only for interactive sessions if(interactive()){ ... # Load custom function source("R/targets-utils.R") # alternatively devtools::load_all() # Load targets tar_load_all() ... } ``` ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Aim at the Target! ## Moving to the next step...